Friday, January 6, 2012

The Other Builder Partner

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THIS is why you want to hire my builders:

- The renovation is done other than some little finish-uppy things - on the builder's part.
- But I am now having things starting to happen on MY part - like appliance deliveries.
- Yet each time an appliance gets delivered, an old appliance needs to be disconnected, the drivers take the old appliance and the builder installs and hooks up the new appliance.  Now remember, this is not "included" in my Renovation Contract...they "offer" to do this - but I would be PAYING someone - and I'm going to do something for Partner Number Two because the conversation this 2nd time is exactly like it was last week - here's how it went this morning.

6:40 a.m.  Rrrrring.  Me:  "hello?"  (it's dark outside - it must be God calling)
                                 Mr.   "Hello, Mrs. Adams, this is ABC Warehouse. We have your Range and we
                                            will be at your house in 30 minutes".
                                 Me.    "Thank you".  I hang up.

6:41 a.m.  I dial Angelo's cell phone:
               Rrrrrrring.  His voice mail answers.  I leave a message. 
                                 "Hey, Ang - We're first on the delivery list again - can you get to the house?"
                                  I send a text.
                                  I wait a few minutes.
                                  I dial his cell again.
6:52 a.m. Rrrrring   Angelo: "hello?" (CLEARLY, I woke him)
                                Me:  "it's your turn to milk the cow".
                                Ang: "not again!"
                                Me:  "Yep, they're on their way - 30 mins".
                                Ang: "Me too - talk to ya later".  We hang up.

Remember, I said this is the 2ND time he's done this - he did this last week with the dishwasher - yep - at 7am!!!!

No - I don't roll over and go "back to bed" - because this morning I'm still in last evening's jeans and t-shirt nursing a very very sick new puppy - so, all the men in my life are already at their jobs (those that could have let ABC in the door if Angelo couldn't have made it), I just would have rescheduled my new stove which we all know is just for decoration!!!

They just continue to ROCK!     They're Super Guys!!!!

(pssst: I don't think they can really fly, tho )

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