Monday, March 26, 2012

how to

There's got to be a way to get back to blogging...

I miss it.

I've taken on some new projects.

No...not the house any longer...a of a job...

Several of us have spent the past couple months brainstorming, meeting, researching, meeting and more brainstorming...

Then we needed to form a legal entity and we just sent our paperwork in to register it with the State...

So...we're getting close...When we're actually "legal" with the State's blessing, I'll share what's been keeping me from my beloved blogs...but I know I've been A.W.O.L. and for some of the readers that have asked, I don't quite know when I'll be back "full time" -

I WILL get back with some picks of the new "pad" - I'll try to get the before and after pics lined up - and then I'll let you in on the new "project"...

For now, let me just tell you, I'll be here a BIT more...because I miss it too....Thanks Friends, for asking...

See how happy she's true...when writers are in the throws of truly "writing" what they like, they're happy!!! 

Not that I won't be writing on the new Entity and It's Blog, Journal, Yada, Yada, Yada....

But I'll be here to get my happy "on" also!!!  :)

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