Saturday, March 16, 2013

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There's not a lot of thought in this Saturday afternoon post - I actually need a nap.  But I found this "Art Quote" and thought about the evil of man.  Wars. Gun violence. Domestic violence. Animal abuse of all kinds. Factory farming.  Egos that kill for sport.  Animal testing for domestic we really NEED that mascara?  Bleach?  Human trafficking.  Our melting polar caps and greening our world.  Oh yes, there's much more.
Is it all stemming from money and ego? Why are we doing what we do to this planet and when are we going to wake up?  Thanks, Wall Street, for the memories.
I think I'll plant my own tomato plants this year and try to find a Wisteria Tree to
plant near my little patio.  I hope it blossoms before I die.

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