Thursday, September 19, 2013

Because the first day of fall is near...

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...and we need some pretty Harvest Moon stuff tonite ~

Thanks, Neil
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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Core Group and Dark Chocolate

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I'm bruised.
Black and blue.
I'm tredding water.
I have been tested until the analytical side of my brain is fried.
And the compassionate part is sluggy.
What the hell did I do to allow people to take advantage of me.
Yet my true core group of key employees are loyal beyond words and demonstrated this today. 
I love them.
When I said that I was truly thinking of retiring,
feeling unworthy of my leadership
this core group rushed in to tell me that I'm not allowed to leave -
that they not only want me but need me in the driver's seat.
It's nice to be wanted and needed. 
I think most of want to be wanted.
But too often in this world, we don't dare express our vunerabilities,
authenticity (oh forbid, that could make us look 'weak') that allows people
that give a shit to FLOOD us with all the love, support, gratitude, back-patting,
hugs and a jar of dark chocolate and almond goodies that says "we care" and
"we want YOU here with us". 
Those expressions and the DARK chocolate sealed it for me.
I'm going back to work tomorrow -
to that core group of people that mean so much to me.
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