Sunday, December 8, 2019

Day seven - December gifts


Fresh Air

Caberfae Peaks Ski Resort

There are days when I get sidetracked and stuck in busyness and I realize hours have passed and I'm still locked into a book, the computer, or marathoning Netflix.  At the point I come to this realization, my body aches and my brain is whipped tired.  Time to get up, move and breathe.

If you ski, ice skate, snowshoe, snowmobile, hike mountains, bravo - then you likely stay active and get outside throughout the winter months.  I'm a walker and cleared walkways are perfect for me and the pup to move and breathe.

And if we don't walk, we get off our duffs and go outside for a breather several times a day. Mental health professionals insist on a few things:  move, breathe outside air, sleep 8 hours.  So...get up and go outside and brrreeeaathe! 


Saturday, December 7, 2019

Day six - December Gifts

Le Checklist

I wish I were a checklist person enabling me to not forget one little thing.
I'm a sticky note person.  Came from years "in the office" to make quick note taking a part of helping one's memory. But I love them and even if your activities at holiday time are not represented here, I bet you could find one on Pinterest or Etsy to suit your plans.

I fell for all the cutesy, artsy ones.  And I leave you with, "happy checking off your list and having a fun season" rendition - Enjoy...


Day Five - December Gifts


There are so many things at this time of year that we let "get to us" - lots of demands on our time, our patience, our wallets.  So I'm thinking that we need to make a conscious effort to take a moment to comfort ourselves... that helps us slow down and enjoy the season.

I am an admitted coffee devotee.  If you're a tea drinker, indulge.  But I was looking for a fun way to enjoy my drink of choice - preferably hot drink this time of year and voila, I'll share this link:

I'm not a hot chocolate drinker, and I'm sure their recipes are all over the internet, but they truly do make an inviting image!!!


Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Day Four - December gifts


I'm a Michigander and love winter. Loooooooove winter.  Watching the snowfall is a hobby of many of us - fire brewing on the inside with mug of hot drink while the snow flakes softly drift onto the ground outside...there is no therapeutic treatment better! We engage in all things snow...lovvvvve it!

I confess.  Cutting paper snowflakes has never been my forte.  Even worse if the pattern calls for "connected" snowflakes.  But to celebrate such beauties in December and in light of the fact that today is National Cookie Day, maybe a snowflake cookie recipe is in order?  If you engage, I wish you fun and yummieness!

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Day Three - December Gifts

 Make a date!

In December, treat yourself.  Make a date with someone special.  Not a spouse or close friend you see regularly.  With someone you haven't seen in awhile and you've been thinking about them.  It may take a little effort.

Here's an example.  A couple weeks ago I was thinking about a former client, who turned into my Realtor and then my friend.  I texted her to have lunch with me in December.  She was thrilled and I was glad she accepted.  We caught up for 2 1/2 hours today and it was wonderful not only to chat but share so much that the date has made a great memory.

Here's something else I do in December.  My mother and I would take an entire day to play in downtown Birmingham, Michigan.  Start with coffee.  Shop a little.  Into another cafe for a cup of soup.  Shop some more.  Finally a late lunch at one of their famous restaurants.  With the trunk of the car loaded, we chatted and giggled and ate our way through the day.

I plan to do that next week with her.  She's no longer living, but I'm taking her out for the day as I did when she was alive and vibrant and my best friend.  I will enjoy the day with her.

If that doesn't suit you, get out of that house and take yourself on a date.  Not for running errands. Be with your best friend enjoy your time with you.  Trust me - it's wonnnnderful!

See you next week, Toots.

We'll be leaving at 10 a.m, Mom.  I love you.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Day Two - December gifts

Leaning in...

While some people like to jump right into the holiday season, I like to ease in and drink in each moment. Not that one way is better than the other, but for me leaning in allows me to enjoy the month of December at my own pace. Today's gift is Leaning In, and since it's cold in Michigan, we share this gem.  Then you can get out those holiday CD's - and everything is on YouTube :)

Baby it's cold outside ~

Sunday, December 1, 2019

December Gifts

December Gifts -an idea from someone I follow daily and I'll share with you.
It's double-fold: To keep me posting and sharing with you every day through December.
You're welcome 💓

I promise to slow down for at least a few minutes each day and receive my gift.
I promise to be curious and experiment with the gifts.
I promise not to beat myself up if I fall behind with the gifts or anything December throws my way.
I promise not to add drama or stress where there is none and remember that most things are not an emergency.
I promise to use these gifts for inspiration and entertainment, and not as another obligation or item on my to-do list.
I promise to notice when I am feeling rundown this month, and course correct until I feel better.
I promise to be patient, or at least be mindful of being patient.
If there are other promises you'd like to make to yourself, write them down and stick them to your bathroom mirror, or someplace you'll see them every day.

See you tomorrow!