Sunday, December 1, 2019

December Gifts

December Gifts -an idea from someone I follow daily and I'll share with you.
It's double-fold: To keep me posting and sharing with you every day through December.
You're welcome 💓

I promise to slow down for at least a few minutes each day and receive my gift.
I promise to be curious and experiment with the gifts.
I promise not to beat myself up if I fall behind with the gifts or anything December throws my way.
I promise not to add drama or stress where there is none and remember that most things are not an emergency.
I promise to use these gifts for inspiration and entertainment, and not as another obligation or item on my to-do list.
I promise to notice when I am feeling rundown this month, and course correct until I feel better.
I promise to be patient, or at least be mindful of being patient.
If there are other promises you'd like to make to yourself, write them down and stick them to your bathroom mirror, or someplace you'll see them every day.

See you tomorrow!