Sunday, December 8, 2019

Day seven - December gifts


Fresh Air

Caberfae Peaks Ski Resort

There are days when I get sidetracked and stuck in busyness and I realize hours have passed and I'm still locked into a book, the computer, or marathoning Netflix.  At the point I come to this realization, my body aches and my brain is whipped tired.  Time to get up, move and breathe.

If you ski, ice skate, snowshoe, snowmobile, hike mountains, bravo - then you likely stay active and get outside throughout the winter months.  I'm a walker and cleared walkways are perfect for me and the pup to move and breathe.

And if we don't walk, we get off our duffs and go outside for a breather several times a day. Mental health professionals insist on a few things:  move, breathe outside air, sleep 8 hours.  So...get up and go outside and brrreeeaathe! 
