Saturday, October 31, 2009


via hit or miss/design crush

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Family Portrait

All the Kids home for Halloween

Side Shot:
I asked them to turn and smile at me so I could take another picture. Zombie and Monster kids are just like our human kids....nobody listens anymore.

To meet each kid individually, go to:
Happy Halloween
(this is as spooky as it gets on Haller Street!!!!!!!)
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I care more about you

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When I saw this, I gasped. This says TRUE LOVE to me.

Please tell me you have or had someone in your life that gave you their sweater.
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via Heart Fish

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Feeling Empowered

Artist Freya

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Saturday, October 24, 2009

8 Minutes and 33 seconds....

Please - I beg you: turn off the cell fone. Turn off the TV and Radio. Turn off IPod. Shut the door to your office or get as quiet as you can while you watch this incredible artist. If you allow yourself 8 minutes and 33 seconds, I think you'll be glad you took the time for yourself.

...and I thought my stick figures were making their way into the art world!

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Friday, October 23, 2009



I'm really glad it's the weekend.
I want to get lots done.
I want to feel 'accomplished'.
I want home to smell like ...oh...clean.
Yes. Clean would be nice.
And all the laundry done,
and put away.
Including all the doggie blankets
That's alot.
And read.
Work stuff and start a new book.
Grocery shop.
oh..and...I really should look into that Blackberry thing.
I love the keyboard on my old phone.
But I really need to 'get with it'.
And the old guy - yep, he's a relic.

See...if I HAD a Blackberry, I could Google Verizon to find the nearest store to go buy a Blackberry.
Happy weekend.

The end.

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Thursday, October 22, 2009


Name Change:

Candy Golightly.

I like it.

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Still Remains True...and Murphy's Law

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A month ago, a client (and friend) writes that her office is having an evening get-together at a local restaurant and includes my office staff in the invitation.

A month ago that sounded like a wonderful idea, so I immediately responded that I would attend.

Two weeks ago, she sends a 2nd notice reminding 200+ people of the event. I make sure the event was in my day planner (i don't own a blackberry), my social calendar, my office calendar in my office and the work calendar on our intranet. Everything is covered.

Yesterday, she sends a reminder that the event is today at 6 pm. I again, forward her e-mail to everyone in my office. I know the two people who were going to attend with me are now not attending and I will be the only representative from our little company.

I still think this is a great idea. I've already talked to other clients from her company and I'm looking to seeing them this evening.

Ding! 3:00 p.m. The bricks fall. The earth turns to quicksand. The sleepies hit. It's 3:30 p.m. and I can barely keep my eyes open. My eyes burn. And then a good'ol headache sets in. I feel like .... bluuchkh. I want to go get prone on something comfortable and pull a blankie over my head as is sinks into a moosh pillow. yawwwwwwwwwwwwnnnn.

It's office pal reminds me it's time to leave to go pick up my pups from doggie daycare so I can get home - feed - let them out a few times and get to the event. Yawwwwnn. ok.

The 'duties and details' get me to about 40 minutes before I need to freshen up and leave. I set a kitchen timer, take it to the bedside table and employ paragraph 6 above. (...this feels sooooo good....they won't miss me......they'll barely know I'm missing.....zzzzz). The kitchen buzzer blasts like we need the military to rise and shine! Geez!

"oh, just go. freshen face, brush teeth, get in the dam car and just go". ok.

I give. Mom was right. "Any event to which you've responded you would attend, you must attend...and it'll be like church: it's hell getting there but once you get thru it, you're glad you went". It was true of this evening. It was great to see my special friends who make times like these great memories.

Regrets? Yep. I ALWAYS tell picture stories. And wouldn't you know: the event is over - I have no pictures. I intended to have pictures. The camera is always in my purse - I had it tonight. And because I did, I totally forgot it. Murphy's law. Ratz!

So..dear friends and cool people in my life - I'm REEEALLLY glad to have spent some precious, fun time with you this evening. Thank you for sharing your time with me!

Ending the meal with 4-berry pie and ice!
AND..Death by Chocolate cake.....sigh.....yummo!

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Out To Lunch...Out..Out of the Office...

Where are we going?
Out to Lunch. But we have to stop at the bank to redeposit some company checks.
What are you doing?
Taking a picture of this pretty rose... one will believe it's in front

of the bank in Michigan in mid October!!

Now what are you doing?
Taking a picture of the restaurant...

...and then...our spinach artichoke dip

and your tilapia

and my perch

and you

and me

So that I can look back on this as proof that we went OUT TO LUNCH. How long do you think it's been since we did this?
I dunno - quite awhile.
More than 6 months?
I think maybe a year.
Too long.
For sure.
Time to get back to the office?
Herein lies evidence. Lunch. Out. 10-19-09.
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Monday, October 19, 2009

A Short Story:

Once upon a time I learned how to use the Internet.

Then I quit smoking.

So I learned how to blog.

But everywhere I went on the Internet or other blogs, it always kept telling me I could get something if I went HERE

or...I could find something if I went THERE.

Everytime I went HERE or THERE, it said I couldn't get what I wanted from HERE or THERE unless I joined.

I just couldn't bear to join one more on-line thing that would keep my fat ass at the computer.

Until this past Thursday.

I joined.

On Friday, Meliss helped me learn a litte more about how to use it.

By Sunday afternoon, my eyes were bloodshot, my dogs nearly died from starvation, my laundry didn't get done...and needless to say,

I love and hate
The End.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Something to Say

* * * don't have any desire to write the great American novel as do many....

But I have recently discovered FRESH RIBBON and I love her blog - AND her comment that if you force yourself to write daily - SOMETHING will come of it - The 'Marta Writes' of the Dear Diary Stories refers to it often, also...she even has little motivational teenie diarys that force you to make a comment relative to statements on a page - FORCES you to THINK - WRITE!

So, I'm in love with this image and I agree (again) with Fresh Ribbon: It isn't written yet...and it's only barely imagined....

but by God I have something to say and I know how it will happen: once more spare time is mine and I start writing, it will mirror the speaking engagements of my past: once I start I simply will not be able to shut up.

...Once upon a time...
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Monday, October 12, 2009


"Life is not about waiting for the storms to's about learning to dance in the rain."

Thanks, Kim -once again you've proven wisdom beyond your years but oh, so very helpful when it's brought to this elegant simplicity.
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OMG - It's Toots!

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Whomever created this graphic met my mother. Oh, wait: did all mothers say this when 'lil girls brought home their next pet?

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Sunday, October 11, 2009

NOT Sarah Cynthia....

exactly 12 hours later - call me Cinderella!!! only...the problem is - this is only a partially complete project - still more to pitch, reorganize, pitch, reorganize...and finally - when one can see surfaces - clean. you know. clean.

ps: go to earlier post today to understand this know...A before B......1 before 2....

whew...that is one ugly dresser.. . .it has a clear poly coat on top - so without the horrid-work of sanding, maybe some updated hardware would help...

...I'll think about that tomorrow, Scarlet.

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I love this poem:

Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout
Would not take the garbage out!
She'd scour the pots and scrape the pans,
Candy the yams and spice the hams.
And though her daddy would scream and shout,
She simply would not take the garbage out.
And so it piled up to the ceilings:......

remember? by Shel Silverstein...."The Giving Tree"...remember?...


It's not that I WON'T take the garbage out. I CAN'T until I go thru all of this mess. There could be something VALUABLE in there, fer God's sakes!

Whoops: I think in those lasts lines, something like that was said on a TV show called The Hoarders!... Oh Lord, take the wheel..................

Project: Attack office/craft / library/ computer room. Before next summer would be nice.

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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Playing with Polaroids

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Friday, October 9, 2009

I Am Smitten With a Monster Maker

Ok...I'm going to share: this is one of my Monster Babies. Her name is Annika. Does her creater (an ingenious handcrafter)come from a fun spirit????? I'll share this cool lady with y'all soon............ after I buy up all her dollies!!! (strange...I didn't play with dollies as a little girl....I may be trying to play catch-up?)

click image to enlarge and see HOW cute
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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009

e n a m o u r e d

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Yes, I certainly am...

Yosemite National Park

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Sunday, October 4, 2009

"Out on a Chilly Night"

scoutie girl blog ( - all about handmade stuff (be still, my heart) - introduces us to artist Jennifer French...and this work reminds me of saturday night dates.... plus I love this painting....want, want, want
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Friday, October 2, 2009

Reformed by a film on PBS and why I still love my Country

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Need a refresher in history/civics and why this is the best place in the world? 12 hours with Ken Burns film has reformed (ok- reminded) me it's time to join a travel club and visit these places I OWN before I die. I have been awe-struck for 6 nites at 2 hours each....I need to shut my gaping mouth (in response to unbelieveable beauty and history) and start walking so I can cruise these places!!!

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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Home Page

Anyone that has created a home page of their site that is as creative, fun and inviting as this has my attention!!!!!

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