Monday, January 31, 2011

the 31st of January....

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All's quiet so far, but rumor (and the Weather chanel)
claim when it's all over by Wednesday evening
we may accumulate 22" of the white stuff
to which I respond


Oh, and here's another one of my great philosophical gifts:

Why shovel it OFF if you can't get OUT?
(heh heh)

Off to stock up in the event of "stuck in"...

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Horse Sunday

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These horses are Friesian's.
Described as large, muscular, can appear imposing,
yet a true gentle giant.

This is Kikiya - I wish I could remember who's blog I found to come across this awesome girl.

Then, I merely went looking for Friesian's...

Yeah:  "Dear Santa......"

Oh be still my horsie-lovin' heart...

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Tallany is 37
Carole, his person, learned equine feelings from him 
while in school

She is a now Horse Whisperer

I love how he's twitching his lip to kiss her back

and all caught by pet photographer extraordinaire, Grace Chon of Shine Pet Photos - many of us dancing that she's taken horses as clients also!!

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Taking my breath away

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Formal Dining

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Here's a nice little schematic from Mrs. Paula Deen

A.) Napkin
B.) Dinner plate
C.) Salad plate
D.) Bread plate
E.) Water glass
F.) Red wineglass
G.) White wineglass
H.) Salad fork
I.) Dinner fork
J.) Dessert fork
K.) Dinner knife
L.) Fish knife
M.) Soup spoon
N.) Dessert spoon and fork

...I prefer a lodge with a fork, knife and maybe a spoon. Thank you.

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Graduates Lunch

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No...when we meet and converge for lunch, we do not
discuss The State of the Union or World Peace.
Rather, we discuss life.  Friends. Family. Work. Travel.
Burdens and Joys - Breakups and Hookups.

We have been school chums for 40+ years.

We discuss our (over) weight and how dancing could be our exercise.

Adele reminds us "we're on our way to 70"!!!
(some laughed - some gasped)

And THEN she sends all of us a little inspiration:

She was the "c'mon, let's do it" girl.

It's fun to watch.  And then say 'whew'!!!

Maybe next month we'll review jello ribbon desert recipes.

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Monday, January 24, 2011

lovin Monday...or Monday lovin...

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'S wonderful! 'S marvelous!
You should care for me!
'S awful nice! 'S paradise!
'S what I love to see!

You've made my life so glamorous
You can't blame me for feeling amorous
Oh! 'S wonderful! 'S marvelous!
That you should care for me!

'S wonderful! 'S marvelous!
That you should care for me!
'S awful nice! 'S paradise!
'S what I love to see!

My dear, it's four-leaf clover time
From now on my heart's working overtime
Oh! 'S wonderful! 'S marvelous!
That you should care for me!

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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Bridge

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You stand on one side of a bridge
The other cannot be seen
Hidden behind a veil of fog
Stretching on indefinitely
As you place your hand on the railing
You feel the pull of ghosts at your shirttails
The whispers in your ears
The fog’s fingers gently wrapping around you
Caressing your face pulling you step by step
Onto the bridge that will take you away

You feel consumed by the fog
As it wraps you in its loving arms
Like a mother and her child
You feel safe, you feel the calm
That you never felt before
As you are pulled step by step
Away from the world you once knew
You welcome it, accept it
As your new home

You feel another pull
as you reach the middle of the bridge
A sadness nipping at your heels
Like a child grasping onto her fathers legs
As he walks away forever out the door
A heaviness that not even the fog can lift
Pulls you back to the edge of a world you have almost forgotten
You look back over your shoulder
A sorrow only known in this world
Mirrors in your eyes

The fog pulls you forward
Those you loved pull you back
You are lost in the middle
Of two very different worlds
Pulled by the sweet numbing of pain
On one side and on the other
Pulled by the sweet feel of pain
To remind you that you are alive

There is no going back
Once you cross the bridge
There is only silence
Only a choice to make
To leave those you loved behind
Or take the chance
To live again
In a world that might not be so sweet
But to feel pain means
That your heart is still beating

via the pedestrian poet

Friday, January 21, 2011

I'm cementing a new mantra

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"At the end of the meeting/at the end of the day/at the end of my life, 
I want to be able to say, "I contributed more than I criticized."
                                                                        ~ Dr. Brené Brown

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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Love what you do...and you

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Do what you Love poster by Vol.25

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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

brain mush

* * * * *, really....long "test" of a day...
nothin' but a cute poster this early morn

stop by again when y're in the neighborhood

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

And a side of veggies

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In my attempt to eat more vegetables, I've been throwing together concoctions of the green kind in boat loads lately. My newest creation, which I had to share with you, I'll call "A Farmer's Autumn" because it's kind of perfect for fall and tastes freshly picked from the earth. And, as a bonus, it can be served both hot {as a side dish} or cold {as a salad}...

It's so easy and so good. Here's how...

You'll need {serves 2}: {I happened to get all of these at Trader Joe's pre-cleaned and packaged}
- 2 cups of cubed butternut squash
- 1 cup of peeled edamame {comes in a container at TJ's}
- 3 garlic cloves, peeled and chopped
- Goat Cheese {one small mediallion per serving}
- Salt & pepper to taste 

Here's how:
1. While I usually roast butternut squash in the oven, this time I sautéed it in a wok. Which means you'll have to cut it in smaller cubes {about 1/2"} so that it cooks more quickly. Sauté squash in a couple tablespoons of olive oil over medium-high heat. Once it's cooked for a few minutes, add chopped garlic and sprinkle a bit of salt and pepper. Cover with a sheet of aluminum foil to keep in the heat and cook squash faster.

2. Continue to stir every few minutes and keep covered with foil in-between stirrings. The edges of the squash will start to get crisp and brown as the squash gets softer. Also, increase the heat to almost high after a couple stirrings.

3. Once the squash is just about cooked, add in the edamame for an additional few minutes of sauté action {The cooking should take about 10-12 minutes total}.

4. When ready to serve, drop chunks of goat cheese on top and lightly toss so the goat cheese mixes in equally. It will start to melt slightly for creamy, melty goodness. The final result has roasted, yet crisp-edged, butternut squash, fresh edamame soybeans, toasted chip-like garlic pieces, and buttery soft goat cheese. If you have leftovers, it makes for a great cold salad the next day for lunch! Enjoy!

{Photos and recipe by Oh Joy}

Monday, January 17, 2011

Self-Test Week.... The Explorer

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Part of the writing class - becoming an explorer;
tuning in and documenting.
This may be fun...

...I'll let you know...

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January 17th

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Happy Birthday to My Best Friend

"Toots and Candy"

Loving Memory of My Mommy

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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Fashion Pages

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Where do you go look at fashion?  100 years ago I was addicted to a paper magazine called Seventeen, where it showed not only the day's fashion to older teens, but it also taught you not to go out in public with rollers in your hair, as that would be the day you'd bump into someone you know.

Today, for enjoyment, I peruse the fashion pages of the internet.  I just want to see "what" - which you know now means "who" is out there.  If you don't believe 'lil ol me, watch the awards shows on TV.  The interviewer will ask "what are you wearing" to an actress.  She won't respond "a dress" - she'll respond with the who; who meaning the designer that conceived, made and fitted said dress.

I know Paris - Milan - many European venues are the home of many designers - I like to see what people are wearing in New York and California.  
People who don't paint their walls beige.

I start with listening to and watching videos by Bill Cunningham of the New York Times and his shorts called "On The Street".  Once you hear his intro and background music, you'll know him forever.  At 4:30 this morn, here I go:

Hubba-Hubba, Mister!

Hate Left - Would have Right in a "New York" second this a little suggestive? Are these costumes?

Yes, same fashion photographer, this is not porn.  However, had this been the suggested trend in a Seventeen magazine, I would have made a fun whore.

Sorry Kids -in my opinion -  if the picture includes a horse, the photographer has a great idea;  Go see a designer called DACE for evidence...

Again, A+ for the horses.  What about these model's faces sells fashion?  No one said to the horse "now look mean and imposing" - of course, that's where the horse would win and respond "no need; I'm already beautiful".

I must admit I like all the new nail treatments and black gets honourable mention here.

And if has anything to do with design, we end this session 
with the obvious black and white stripe.


Ahhh, that was fun.

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Friday, January 14, 2011

Snow on Friday (whatever that means)

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 Andrew McLean from Park City in Utah, USA could be the first person to ever ski down an iceberg. Andrew climbed the mammoth iceberg off the coast of the Antarctica Peninsula - which topped 80 feet - before skiing down it several times. And as he zig zags down with inches to spare, he comes perilously close to taking a dip in the icy waters below with just a life jacket and ski wear for protection.
via twentythree

 Of course I didn't put my bike away before it snowed

 Guess: Is this a lake or a field?

 Handsome devil in Yellowstone

 Sledding - as in Hines Park

Look into Snow Baby's eyes 
and tell me you're not mezmerized.

Have some fun in the snow this weekend!!!

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Thursday, January 13, 2011

THIS ain't EASY!

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Yes. I'm taking an on-line class.  7:00 p.m. every evening.
It's an "Opener-Up-er".
For writing....and other goals.
I mentioned earlier I wanted to write a book,
so I resolved this was a good place to start.
Oh yeah? 
Try THIS exercise:
Write to yourself...and in it, tell yourself how amazing you are;
a precious gift - it's a miracle you're here...then
1.) list things "I" most appreciate about "you"...
2.) list some ways "I" wish "you" would be kinder to yourself...
3.)...this winter "I" give "you" permission to (make a list).

Then... the bottom of the letter, sign off:
"With boundless love for "you" and "your" open heart,
and sign your name.

Now - put the letter in a signed, self-addressed sealed envelope and
mail it to yourself in 30 days or better yet, 
send the whole thing to a friend and have them
mail it back to you in 30 days.

You didn't need all that ending point and question is:
Have YOU ever taken time to write yourself a "loving" letter?
and mailed it?

Off I go to write:
"See Spot. See Spot Run. Run Spot Run."

"Dear Candy"

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Wholehearted Living

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“How different our lives are when we really know what is deeply important to us, and keeping that picture in mind, we manage ourselves each day to be and to do what really matters most.”
                                                                                                                                — Stephen Covey

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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Living in Peace

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Visit post at: 

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I'm Not

I'm not a Hollywood face.
I don't have a Ph.D.
I'm not a millionaire.
I'm not in athletic health.
I don't live in a mansion.
I don't speak several languages.
I've never been to China.
I don't eat raw meat.
I don't drive a Mercedes.
I'm not always observant.
I'm not always smiley.
I don't belong to any organized religion.
I don't like Vodka.
I'm not frivolous.
I'm not in disagreement with
Glenn's sign here

I am enough. 
I'm perfect!

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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Wasting Time...

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“Time you enjoy wasting, is not wasted.”
                            — John Lennon
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Monday, January 10, 2011

Worthiness ~

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Truly addicted to Dr. Brene Brown - 
and her teachings.
All her wonderfulness here

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Saturday, January 8, 2011

WooHoo! It's cold!!! So many things to do!

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  1. Make a snow angel by lying on your back in the snow and spreading out your arms to the side then moving them up and down. Get up carefully and see your angel with wing prints.
  2. Build a snow fort. Have a snow ball fight.
  3. Build a snowman. Give him a carrot nose and a hat.
  4. Take a walk and look for animal tracks.
  5. Play chase, tag, or hide and seek.
  6. Plant pansies. They do well in a moderate climate all winter.
  7. Wash the car interior.
  8. Ride your bike or scooter or sled.
  9. Jump on a trampoline.
  10. Shovel snow.
  11. Build an igloo.
  12. Put out suet and birdseed for birds.
  13. Wrap in a big stadium blanket and sit on the porch swing.
  14. Bird watch.
  15. Scavenger hunt for winter nature stuff.
  16. Collect pine cones for decorations, fire starters, wreaths, study,photograph.
  17. Watch the sunset.
  18. Go fishing.
  19. Skip stones across the pond or lake.
  20. Outside a window shovel out a square spot. Plant sticks with bright colored streamers to look like flowers or "plant" a row of plastic flowers.
  21. In shed or garage, repair dog house. Paint the house. Add hay for warm bedding.
  22. Look for poetry or story ideas.
  23. Hunt for bird nests. Note ones high in trees that you can watch next summer.
  24. Take photos of trees. Compare to summer.
  25. Ice skate.
  26. Go sledding down a hill.
  27. Shovel a path in the yard like a maze.
  28. Put up a bird feeder.
  29. Have a snowball battle.
  30. Visit with neighbors. Drink hot chocolate outside.
  31. Lick an icicle.
  32. Sit in a sunny place and absorb sunshine.
  33. Play with toys in the snow.
  34. Play in the sandbox. Help the dog dig holes in the snow.
  35. Play expedition. Pretend you are an explorer going to the North Pole.
  36. Pull someone or something in a on a sled. Then let them pull you!
  37. Take a nature hike and learn to snowshoe.
  38. Check out last year's garden plot. How has it changed?
  39. Lay on the ground and watch the sky. What do the clouds look like?
  40. Draw chalk pictures on the sidewalk, if dry, or stamp out words in the snow.
  41. Make a neighborhood map. Color it later inside.
  42. Decorate a tree in your yard with streamers to blow in the wind.
  43. Watch for animals--squirrels, deer, cats, dogs, horses. What animals are in your neighborhood?
  44. Have a winter picnic. Take along a warm sandwich and cookies in an insulated bag , cocoa in a thermos or even hot soup in a soup thermos. Take a blanket to sit on.
  45. Sketch houses, barns, buildings, plants and animals.
  46. Look for winter plants to look up later and study.
  47. Make a list of the trees in your yard. Power walk or jog.
  48. Go out at night and see the stars.
  49. Feed ducks and water birds.
  50. Look at Christmas lights.
~Michigan map/list cir.1940

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