Sunday, January 16, 2011

Fashion Pages

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Where do you go look at fashion?  100 years ago I was addicted to a paper magazine called Seventeen, where it showed not only the day's fashion to older teens, but it also taught you not to go out in public with rollers in your hair, as that would be the day you'd bump into someone you know.

Today, for enjoyment, I peruse the fashion pages of the internet.  I just want to see "what" - which you know now means "who" is out there.  If you don't believe 'lil ol me, watch the awards shows on TV.  The interviewer will ask "what are you wearing" to an actress.  She won't respond "a dress" - she'll respond with the who; who meaning the designer that conceived, made and fitted said dress.

I know Paris - Milan - many European venues are the home of many designers - I like to see what people are wearing in New York and California.  
People who don't paint their walls beige.

I start with listening to and watching videos by Bill Cunningham of the New York Times and his shorts called "On The Street".  Once you hear his intro and background music, you'll know him forever.  At 4:30 this morn, here I go:

Hubba-Hubba, Mister!

Hate Left - Would have Right in a "New York" second this a little suggestive? Are these costumes?

Yes, same fashion photographer, this is not porn.  However, had this been the suggested trend in a Seventeen magazine, I would have made a fun whore.

Sorry Kids -in my opinion -  if the picture includes a horse, the photographer has a great idea;  Go see a designer called DACE for evidence...

Again, A+ for the horses.  What about these model's faces sells fashion?  No one said to the horse "now look mean and imposing" - of course, that's where the horse would win and respond "no need; I'm already beautiful".

I must admit I like all the new nail treatments and black gets honourable mention here.

And if has anything to do with design, we end this session 
with the obvious black and white stripe.


Ahhh, that was fun.

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