Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Exhausted and Irritable

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This is turning into more of a journal...or a "Dear Diary"...and for now, maybe that's what it should be.  

I took the pain med 2 hours ago (12:30 a.m.) and I'm not able to get comfortable.  And although I was told the hand splint would help relieve the pain as it would keep me from bending my wrist or moving my thumb - it doesn't seem to matter and frankly, I guess I'm like Zoe: get this thing off!

Yep, it's all black and all Velcro - so any movement attracts dust particles and pet hairs.  It's lovely.  I can type with it, but with difficulty - so I rip it off for a break and easy typing.  The finger movement doesn't seem to make the pain any worse - it just never goes away.

Well - just like watching TV, counting sheep, reading, rubbing doggie bellies - I'm bored.  Think I'll go find some blogs, Tumblr that entertain for a bit...and a little solitare never hurt!

See ya, 2:34 a.m.

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Monday, September 1, 2014

Investigative Eve

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It feels like a month that I was in the emergency room and heard the news.

Much conversation has transpired since then, but nothing concrete other than I have an appointment with a hand surgeon that will schedule investigative tests and an MRI and from there, the conference as to treatment.

Tonight, I'm not even going to guess what that treatment will be.

All I know is nothing has been the same since August 28th.  I suspect things will change but what that change/those changes will be is what keeps one awake at night.

I'm not going to blame the mid 60's.  My husband died at 62.  A dear friend died at 54.  I don't think age has much to do with illnesses and disabilities.  Sure, we're not as nimble or quick.  Yet I've never needed help to clean my house or sweep the porch...until I hit 65.   We'll see what heading to 66 brings...

For now...I dream of a beach - it's where my heart finds peace...

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