Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving Day ~

Let's see if I can tell you our story for today.  We're pretty simple around here...

This is the day we take time to count our blessings more than most days...we were given this day to do such a thing.  As a child, I woke up to the turkey already in the oven. Sitting at the Thanksgiving table was the best expression of sharing and love...and gratefulness.  And some gluttony.  Later in life, I was the conductor of the prep, cooking, serving, worrying, entertaining and cleaning up.  How that all got shoved into working full time still amazes me.  As I got older, I was still working but had lost my husband.  I spent the first few years after his death at home, lovvvvvving the time to myself - it was a wonderful 4-day mini vacation.  The habit was formed.  Now retired, although I continue to get invitations from well meaning people to join their family gathering, those that know me well, know we (myself and whatever pets live here), hold this very private day in high accord.  It's a tradition and we have scheduled things to do so far as meals, entertainment, a nap and a drive through nature.

Whatever your tradition, however you celebrate the day, we hope you enjoy it to the fullest.