Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Last evening, by text, a friend wrote that she enjoyed the blog, the photos, my observations on life and how it all related to me.  She nor I journal, but her comment sparked a small flame.

I've been wasting time looking for...something.  Purpose, like getting up every morning and getting on the gainfully employed wheel, but not. That was my job, my career.  
No...more purposeful, as in going and reading to incarcerated shelter dogs or taking naps with old cats.  More like writing, but not a book.  And one of my favorite hobbies is swimming through art quotes - Tumblr and Instagram images -  photos and art found in blogs from all over the world.

Did you ever have a spark set you into motion.  It wasn't until Claudia's text that I took a stroll into the office, sat down with a cup of coffee - Pentatonix music playing on the cell phone and I opened this blog.  Then I visited two others that I started a few years ago.  I was pleased.

If we don't keep a log, or a journal, or a diary or a blog, how will we remember the fun, great, "inspiring" stuff we did in our lives? Not our grandiose trips, marriages, births, funerals.  The small things in which we enjoyed what we did as small as making strawberry jelly or knitting that scarf for a friend.

This blog, nor the other two, accept comments.  If you find what's posted on the blogs enjoyable or informative or both, goodie.  If you don't, onward.  What matters more than anything is that I was creative, I was artful, I was funny, I engaged.  That's it!, I engaged.

Thanks, dearest Claudia...you moved me out of neutral drive.  

Sometimes, we just have to move to get moving.  What sparked us before will spark us again.

Time to stretch: