Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Unexpected Affirmations

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Please allow me to share my wonderful day:

A friend writes to say she can't wait till we leave for sunny beaches together;

Another friend sends an e-mail responding to me ending with "I love you";

Another friend sends a prayer - like a positive mantra for my mornings;

Two more pals write just to tell me they're thinking about me and they wish me a great day;

An employee posts about me being an "awesome boss"!!! (whoa!);

...a client calls and says no one can make her day unless she hears my voice and we laugh together...

BUT KIM - nothing beats Forsythia Branches!!!!! 

Don't anyone misunderstand this; getting love and positive energy is just about the best blessings bestowed on a person and I am grateful!  

Kim delivers: She read this blog last night and -  I love you for climbing thru mounds of snow at your house to cut some branches and then drive them all the way to my office so I can force them.  In a couple of days, when the branches swell and the buds pop with profuse yellow, I'll post the "magic".

This February/March ritual of cutting flowering branches early to force was something I learned from my mother - so Kim helped carry on a tradition beloved by me.

Thank you, Friend!

Beautiful Branches

...and amazing day...

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