Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Being Forceful!

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If you follow the blog, you saw Kim's forsythia that I forced
at work and the yellow blooms were magnificent!
Remember, this is Michigan in March - still freezing.
So to have beautiful colourful REAL blooms
in a vase is so uplifting and happy-ness worthy.

After the yellow blooms were done, it was barren.
Kinda like taking the Christmas tree down.

So I ordered branches of flowering quince and curly willow
and they were delivered today.
If the forcing goes well, this arragement will be
dark fuscia pink and curly willow 4.5 feet tall...

I'll keep posting as buds bloom.

PS:  here's how I know the blog gets read: tho I don't take "comments", I had several people sending e-mails to me about yesterday's flower - and the answer is Bleeding Heart.
Thanks all you Flower People!

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