Sunday, May 15, 2011

Selfish Little Girl

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"Mother Nature's Office; how may I help you?"

"I'd like to talk to her - I have a complaint to register".

"Mz. Adams?"

"Yes, how did you know?"

"What seems to be the problem?"

"'s grey, rainy and frankly, even my step stones are
starting to turn green with mold...and I have that syndrome
where I get cranky and lazy without sunlight!
I'm putting in a request for some sun!!!

"Please hang up and I'll have someone get back with you".


"Just hang up, please!"




"Candice Adams, I am sure..."

"Yah...who's this?"

"Mother Nature's Boss!"


"Miss Adams - I'm sure you won't mind a little more rain that
your beloved Michigan earth needs for a little longer
while I deal with the Mother and our people along
the Mississippi right now - correct?"

"uhhh...not at all, Sir - Madame - Your Upper-high-ness".

"Good. And remember to say your prayers!"

"10-4, Your Honour".

Taken May 15, 2011 via msnbc
Memphis, TN.

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