Monday, November 26, 2012

Monday Musings...


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Be wary of those you let into your life.
 Not everyone you meet are what they seem
and how they present themselves to you could be far from who they truly are.

Is it bad that I’ve already started counting the days til Christmas break?

Don’t assume that everything you read or see is about you.

If you can make one person smile or bring joy to the heart of another,
it’s been a good day.

Always follow to your heart. Just remember to take your brain with you.

It takes just one person to force you to throw those walls back up.

Mondays were made for Starbuck’s Salted Caramel Mocha’s.

Don’t let someone else dictate your feelings or emotions.

When all else fails, put your big girl panties on,
paste a smile on your face, and greet the day head on.
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