Thursday, October 13, 2011

Whoa - who turned on the light...

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As you've witnessed the progress right along with me,
you'll understand at about the third pic down that
those enormous trees were messy, overgrew too big
and allowed for NO sunlight in the back yard...
so - there's no growth
(as to lawn)
but there WAS plenty of green mossy moldy stuff.

Bye-bye green mossy moldy stuff!

Lighten up - "tree peeps" coming back to clean up

Nice barren wasteland for wet mud and dirty doggie paws...yuck!

Wow...I have neighbors behind me!
(hold please - fence isn't installed yet)

The neighbors poor tree doesn't appear that IT got any sun/growth
ability on my lot side - poor thing!!

Changes they are a happenin!

We'll pick up our toys when we're done playing!

Yeah. So. Need a new porch cap.
Concrete guyz out to do that today.
See the wooden door lying on the right side of porch in pic?
Um-hmm. There's a BIG hole under there.
Usually those are filled with stuff; dirt, etc.
THIS is empty.
We think it would make a nice wine cellar.

...but for now, we just need a porch cap...
maybe....stamped concrete - pretty, of course!!

Anyone enjoying this as much as me?

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