Monday, April 26, 2010

C'mahhhhhnnnn Sun!

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Let's acknowledge that Mother Nature knows what she's doing.
So recognized.

But at this time of year - end of April budding and
beginning of May blossoms
the wisteria on/entwined in the pergola
covering my patio

first...the buds will come - the plant has stored enough buds:

but the buds will only grow and open,
with the help of the sun,
of course

this display is magnificent - usually by May Day

but only if Mother Nature steps in with a little

ssssuuuuuunnnnn, pleeeease??????

If she does gift us with a little sun to finish this job,
I'll post. But about the scent:
You'll have to come to my backyard.
It is a wonderment to your senses, your brain...and
you don't want it to ever go away.

1. Which is why the anticipation is so great in spring
2. The Scentsy Corporation should try to come close;
it would be their top seller for Mother's Day.

pray for sun.

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