Monday, September 26, 2011

Randolph, the Locksmith

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Randolph met me at the new house today.
Silver haired, North Face ball cap,
lightweight jacket, jeans, tennies.
He reminded me of my Dad.

He was kind. He apologized for Friday.
He is smart. This is his own locksmith business.
As we chatted, we learned more about each other.
He never stopped working to change 3 doors knobs
deadbolts and keyed them all alike.  I have a title company.
He is a flight instructor also.  I'm a dog Mom and rescuer.
He is married.  I'm a widow & this is my retirement home.
He went out to his truck to write out the invoice.
When he returned, he said:

"When you're all done with construction and upgrades,
call me; I want to come back and give you brand new keys
so anyone that worked on the house will then not have
working keys.  I also want to install a peep-hole in your
front door as I think you need more security on your own;
you appear very confident, but you need to be safe."

"Ok, Randolph, I'll call you".

He handed me the keys to my new Taj Mahal, got into his truck and drove off.

I like Randolph and I look forward to seeing him when he comes back.

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